5 Tips on How to Create Peace of Mind

In the modern world of uncertainty, we are all prone to anxiety and tension. Worries and negative thoughts creep into our minds from every corner. Relationships, work, children, health – anything can give you stress. It might be hard to manage the chaos within the mind in challenging times. Here are five simple tips you […]

Vegetarian vs Raw Food

Is there a difference between vegetarian and raw food diets? A raw foodist is a vegetarian, but one who generally is not going to cook his vegetables or fruits. A vegetarian is someone who simply doesn’t eat meat, fish or poultry, but only consumes vegetables, pasta, and rice. A vegetarian might eat meatless spaghetti sauce […]

Mindful Eating: How to Enjoy Your Food and Improve Your Health

You may have heard of mindfulness – it’s become increasingly popular over the past few years. This practice is all about being present in the moment and fully aware of your surroundings. Mindful eating, as you might guess, is a type of mindfulness that specifically focuses on the way you eat. It encourages you to […]

How to Get Mentally Prepared for Starting Your Fitness Journey

We’ve all experienced the same hurdles with fitness. How do we ease ourselves into it? How do we find the time? And, more often than not, we all have the same question…how do we get mentally prepared? It is not an unfounded concern. 99% of attempts to work out and get fit get stuck at […]

One Dozen Warm and Cozy Winter Treats

There is nothing more enjoyable in the winter than sitting around the fire and enjoying cozy winter treats. Here are some wonderful treats you can enjoy sitting by the fire with the ones that you love. 1. Peppermint punch: Peppermint ice cream, ginger ale, and Baily’s mixed together with a peppermint stick. Add a little […]

Mood Board: What It Is and How to Make One

The popularity of mood boards is on the rise. We see examples of mood boards on social media; there are digital tools that help you create one; creative professionals and influencers use mood boards to bring out their ideas. What is a mood board exactly? And how can you make a mood board that will […]

The Most Popular Women’s Sports

In the modern day and age, when gender equality keeps progressing, women can enjoy almost any existing sport. Are you a fan of fitness wondering in what fun ways you can improve your physique and what sport you can excel in? We’ve analysed global surveys and statistical data to break down the 10 most popular […]

11 Superfoods You Should Add to Your Diet Today

Superfoods are nutrient-dense foods that offer a host of health benefits. By incorporating them into your meals, you can enhance your overall health and keep chronic diseases at bay. From seeds and nuts to leafy greens and berries, there’s no shortage of superfoods to choose from. To help you make healthier choices, we’ve compiled a […]

How to Boost Your Confidence as A Millennial

Everyone wants to be confident and successful. But we all have times when we see ourselves and our lives in a negative light and feel like it’s impossible to achieve anything. Some people have never even felt self-worth – and it’s a dangerous situation, which may have a detrimental effect on mental health. Millennials, or […]

What Does Testosterone Do to a Male Body?

That often spoken about, heard about but equally misunderstood hormone. The ‘manly’ hormone and the one that quite literally separates the men from the boys. It’s easy to think we understand the role of testosterone in so far as it is ‘what makes a man a man’, but is it really that simple? What does […]