Six Food Safety Myths

Food safety is highly important. By following food safety rules, you will have a better chance of staying healthy and preventing food-borne illness. There are many myths floating around that give people false ideas about food safety. Knowledge is power, so here are some of the main myths so that you can avoid them and […]

Fats Won’t Kill You: 7 Healthy High-Fat Foods

For years, we’ve been told that fats are bad for our health and should be avoided at all costs. It’s time to dispel the myth – fats are not the enemy. Some fats can actually be incredibly beneficial. From boosting your metabolism to preventing chronic diseases and even supporting your weight loss goals, healthy fats […]

Superfoods for your Brain

We’ve all had days when we didn’t feel like we were ‘on our game.’ And as we age, both our bodies and our brains grow old as well. By making smart food choices though, we can preserve our precious gray matter longer and improve brain function. Here are some brainy choices for keeping our noggins […]

Why It’s Okay to Cry As A Man

Big boys don’t cry. You have to be strong. Wipe away your tears. Sounds familiar? What if we tell you the opposite? Big boys should cry. You can be vulnerable. Embrace your tears. Why should gender define the way we handle our emotions? Modern society still tends to stigmatize men for crying and encourage them […]

The Truth About Gluten: Is It Really Bad for You?

It seems like everyone these days is ditching gluten. From restaurants offering gluten-free menus to supermarkets stocking gluten-free products, avoiding gluten has become a popular trend. But what is gluten, and is it really as bad for you as some claim? Gluten is a protein found in grains like wheat, barley, and rye. It acts […]

Protein Powder: A Beginner’s Guide

Whether you’re looking to grow your muscle mass or just struggle to achieve the ideal daily protein intake due to your busy schedule, protein powder can be a great supplement for you. However, there are some misconceptions surrounding protein shakes as well as a couple of important things you need to keep in mind before […]

Gut Health: The Basics of a Healthy Gut

You’ve probably heard the old saying “trust your gut”. But did you know that your gut does much more than just provide intuitive solutions? Maintaining gut health is essential for overall health and wellness, with many experts considering it to be the foundation of well-being. So, what exactly is gut health, and why is it […]

The 4 Main Types of Confidence

Confidence is an essential character trait everybody needs to have to achieve goals and succeed. Life with its twists and turns always puts your self-esteem to the test in different situations. There are ways to develop and improve your confidence. However, before you start working on it, you should know what type of confidence you’re […]

7 Popular Fasting Methods Explained

Have you heard of intermittent fasting (IF)? This popular diet trend has taken the world by storm. If you’d like to lose weight, rid your body of toxins, or boost your energy levels, IF might be the answer you’ve been looking for. We understand that it can be overwhelming to go for a drastic lifestyle […]

5 Ways to Reduce Bloating

Bloating is a major inconvenience; if it’s not permanent (itself a real happiness killer) then it can come on, present itself at the most inconvenient time and give no indication of how long it’ll stay for. It’s horrible for any female’s confidence, and means we feel uncomfortable, unable to fit into certain clothes, and without […]